2019-12-06 15:07:13 +0000 2019-12-06 15:07:13 +0000

¿Cómo abrir una botella de vino sin sacacorchos?


¿Cómo se puede abrir con seguridad una botella de vino cuando no hay sacacorchos? (Obviamente, estamos hablando de botellas con corcho y no con sacacorchos…)


Respuestas (3)

2020-01-01 18:07:07 +0000
- **1.** Use a Screw (the longer the better), a screwdriver, and a hammer. Wrap a small towel around top of bottle and screw. Pry slowly and cautiously the screw out with claw hammer, just like pulling a nail. 
- **2.** Push the cork in with the handle of a wooden spoon, or any blunt object similar in size. 
- **3.** Pump it out. Start with a bike pump and place the pump needle between the cork and the rim of the wine bottle. Pump it three or four times, but be careful because if you pump too much the bottle could explode. After a couple of pumps it cork will jump out or you can pull it out.
- **4.** Twist it out with keys or a serrated knife. 
- **5.** Wrap the bottle with a towel and use the wall to smack it out. 
- **6.** Slap it out with a shoe, with wine bottle facing horizontal or between your legs facing down to start. 
- **7.** Take a hanger and form it in the shape of a hook with a pair of pliers. Place the new hook on the edge of the cork with the u shape facing up. Wiggle the hook back and forth until it’s about 2 inches down. Rotate the hook so it grabs the bottom of the cork and then begin pulling once it catches the hook.
- **8.** Make a small cut on either side of the cork and find a pair of clean, curved nail scissors or a pair of pliers. Put the nail scissors or pliers into the place the cork was cut and lift.
- **9.** Insert a key, preferably one you have extra copies of, at a 45 degree angle into the cork until most of it is inserted into the cork. Then begin twisting the cork up as pushing up with the key until you get the cork out. Be careful because a weak key has a possibility of breaking.
- **10.** Insert a screw hook into the cork and once sufficiently screwed in, pull. Next time you won’t have to spend so much time searching for a wine opener.
- **11.** Use a string. Tie a figure eight knot and slip it past the cork by wedging it down with a screwdriver or scissors. Once the knot is below the cork, tilt the bottle and then pull the string.
2019-12-06 15:07:13 +0000

Una técnica en la que rara vez se piensa es simplemente empujar el corcho lentamente hacia abajo en la botella (como con el extremo de un tenedor o con un palo), en lugar de intentar sacar el corcho de la botella. (Sin embargo, a veces esto no se puede hacer con seguridad, teniendo en cuenta que empujar el corcho hacia abajo en la botella PUEDE crear más presión dentro de la botella y hacerla estallar - aunque nunca he visto que eso suceda).

Hay otro truco genial, que he visto aunque no he necesitado probarlo personalmente, en el que uno puede utilizar su propio zapato y una superficie vertical dura (normalmente una pared.)

Representado aquí (No hace falta hablar francés para entenderlo…): https://youtu.be/pfWu76kyFmw

2019-12-22 11:06:30 +0000

NO arriesgue el alcohol. Introduce el corcho lentamente en la botella. Utiliza un clavo o algo metálico, no un palo. Un palo pone en riesgo el alcohol.


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